Návrat Gideona Kleina očima studentů
5.5.2024 | Aktuality
V pátek 12. dubna 2024 se v aule Gymnázia Jakuba Škody v Přerově uskutečnila přednáška Avery Morrisové, stipendistky Fullbrightova programu působící na HAMU v Praze.
Během ní seznámila Avery přítomné studenty i jejich vyučující s osobou Gideona Kleina, českého hudebníka, který se narodil v Přerově v roce 1919 a prožil zde šťastných dvanáct let svého života. Avery nám přiblížila Gideonův život od raného dětství stráveného v Přerově až po jeho tragický konec v Osvětimi v lednu 1945.
Avery, doktorandka hry na housle a teorie hudby, objevila Kleina náhodou během pandemie, když hledala skladbu, kterou by mohla hrát společně se svou sestrou. Kleinova hudba ji okamžitě zaujala, a tak se začala zabývat jeho tvorbou a osudem hlouběji. Po příjezdu do Česka začala pracovat na analýze Kleinových raných, často zdánlivě ztracených děl.
Na závěr zazněla ukázka Kleinovy houslové skladby, kterou nám Avery zahrála.
Přednáška se nám moc líbila a jsme moc rády, že jsme měly jedinečnou příležitost dozvědět se
o talentovaném hudebníkovi a přerovském rodákovi Gideonu Kleinovi.
Eva a Lucie Janďourkovy, 12. 4. 2024
Gideon Klein, who was born in Přerov in December 1919 and died in Auschwitz in January 1945, has been introduced to those who attended the lecture in the auditorium of the grammar school of GJŠ, in Přerov.
The lecture held on 12 April 2024, was led by Avery Morris, a young American professional musicologist, who is currently doing some fascinating research of Klein´s early pieces and fragments of music composed mainly in Prague in 1930´s. Morris, who is now based in the Academy of Performing Arts, HAMU, in Prague, is a member of the Fullbright programme, and she is completing her doctorate at The Stony Brook University, New York.
Some of the tercie students ‘opinions given in the evaluation questionnaire:
It was very interesting to hear about somebody so gifted but unknown. I´ve personally never heard about the guy. It is sad that someone so gifted was killed because of his religion. And I was surprised to hear about Klein, who came from Přerov, from a lady from New York for the first time. (Adam)
I really enjoyed the whole lecture. It was interesting and sad. The story of Klein´s life and his work were explained very well. Avery seems nice and I´m thankful for her lecture. (Zuzka)
The lecture was a great way of making English more fun. Avery spoke clearly and I could understand every single word. I look forward to more lectures in English if there are some in the future. (Bára)
I have learnt something new. I did not have an idea there was a musician who wrote music for strings born in Přerov. (Honza)
It was interesting, doing research about those who are not that famous. (Milan)
Klein wrote the first piece of music when he was just ten years old. Avery played one of his songs, it was overwhelming. (Petra)
The short piece Avery played at the end was beautiful, and a nice way to end the lecture, which also inspired me to investigate Gideon´s life and music. (Hanka)
Mgr. Lenka Mlčochová, Přerov, 29. 4. 2024